My name is Anya Belyaeva and I'm a Wide Spectrum Guiding Healer

The healing I practice is systematic - I use evidence-based modalities of hands-on body therapy and proven effective protocols. At the same time, I'm able to perceive very subtle processes and signals, delicately working with my clients on a quantum level, As a Health Coach I use methods and recommendations by official governmental institutions to improve health and overall state of being.

My Services


I use a combination of CranioSacral therapy, osteopathic techniques, fascia massage (with hands), and Biodynamic CST. This is not a classical or relaxing massage, but I guarantee a very deep relaxation and a reset of the nervous system. I always work with the whole body, including the face. No oils. Clothes can be on if you wish so. 

75 mins - 850 SEK


75 min x 3 gg - 2100 SEK

.Jag pratar svenska.  Friskvård bidrag gäller (kvitto).

Saturday, Sunday


Skånegatan 47

to book : SMS or WhatsApp +46707469668 



(check it here)

It's an individually tailored program for 2-3 months to help you transform. In June 2025 I will become a fully legitimate in Sweden health-coach. 

Your program will include
- weekly online coaching sessions of 1-3 hours 
- daily connect via audio and/or text messages 

Your program might include

- guided meditations recorded for you
- online (and recorded) individual sessions with yoga/breathing/fascial gymnastics

- plans and reports of activities to bring more structure to your life

- expert advice on diet, supplements, training

Practical Workshop on Craniosacral Therapy 

This 2 days  hands-on workshop focuses on the 10-step Upledger protocol, a foundational sequence in Craniosacral Therapy (CST) that helps balance the body's systems. Many CST practitioners, myself included, use it as a core part of their practice.

During the lockdown, this protocol became a popular online course, and now it is featured in many Osteopathy, CST, and BCST programs. However, learning in person provides a completely different level of understanding and experience that cannot be replaced.

Who is this workshop for?

✔ Parents – especially those who want to help their child relax, release muscle tension, improve posture, and support natural healing processes. This is particularly valuable for parents of neurodivergent children, as they often respond best to touch from someone they trust.

💡 Important: In Sweden, osteopaths are not allowed to work with children under 8 years old, which makes it even more essential for parents to learn these techniques themselves!

✔ Bodyworkers & manual therapists – if you want to integrate gentle yet powerful techniques into your practice.
✔ Anyone interested in osteopathy and somatic therapies.
✔ Those who want to learn an effective and safe way to help their loved ones relax and heal.

What to Expect

🔹 A step-by-step breakdown and practice of 10 fundamental hand placements and techniques.
🔹 Hands-on learning of gentle and completely safe techniques – there’s no risk of harm. We do not twist, stretch, push, or compress – the movements focus only on expansion and balance.
🔹 Emphasis on the therapist’s state – a key factor in effective practice.
🔹 Bonus: If there’s interest, I’ll share an insight I’ve discovered – this protocol activates the Hara line.

What You’ll Get

📖 A detailed study guide in English with clear descriptions and illustrations.
💬 Ongoing support and the opportunity to ask follow-up questions after the workshop.

❗ Limited spots available – small group sizes ensure high-quality learning.


We connect via audio and keep a conversation. I usually see a lot of images, the client sees them, too, or maybe something different or maybe nothing. Sensations in the body will be present. Every session is different and usually takes 1,5 - 2 hours. We will not end until the client feels wholesome (it's what healing is about), content, and harmonious.

1 session and 2-week Support Q&A

1100 SEK (or 100 EUR)

to book or ask a question:  SMS or WhatsApp +46707469668

Breath is the Key. Our breathing is our own and most effective medicine which is always at our disposal. But to start doing breath holds or hyperventilating without first learning to feel the respiratory muscles is not effective and in some rare cases can lead to unpleasant experiences.

It is important to practice breathwork with pleasure, with smoothness, and to intensify it gradually. What we all need these days is to restore our healthy breathing pattern after all the respiratory overload and daily stress. I will be sharing some theory about the Vagus nerve, respiratory diaphragm, physiological carbon dioxide, etc. but not too much, as there are a lot of books and showson the topic. The most important is regular practice and new habits. So this will be our focus!

At the first 1,5 hour workshop, I will guide you toward full diaphragmatic breathing through the nose. We will learn 5 relatively simple breathing practices that can be easily intervened in daily life activities, including morning, day, and evening sequences. The practices are suitable for all ages and health statuses. But it is up to you to work so hard that on the next day you feel a training pain in your diaphragm (which is good!)). It is optional if you want to sit on a chair or a floor during breathing practices, but we will also do some easy warming-up exercises, so please wear suitable clothes.

If you are not new to the breathwork, want to train up your capacity to a new level, and get some new keys - welcome to the 3-hour workshop. There we will have a gentle entrance into apnoea, a complete all-body fascia workout, a lot of practice and some theory.

Freedivers and yoga practitioners know the most about breathing. And I'm constantly learning from professionals in these fields. My own yoga path is almost 18 years old and I have been freediving for 6 years. I'm taking an "Advanced Breatheology" course with Stig Severinsen, who holds many world records in apnoea. I'm also getting guidance from Christopher Gladwell, a yogi with more than 40 years of experience, about my own breathing and meditation practice.

Teorin och de praktiska instruktionerna kommer att ges på engelska. Om du har frågor, gärna kontakta mig 0707469668. 

Workshops on Breathing

What my clients say

Healing sessions med Anya är alltid magi i bokstavlig mening. Även om du gör dessa sessioner på distans, som var i mitt fall.

Förutom det faktum att du redan under processen kommer att känna hur ditt känslomässiga tillstånd harmoniseras och du börjar finna frid och självförtroende där för en kort tid sedan kände du dig förtvivlad och desperat, var beredd på att inom kort kommer händelserna runt dig utvecklas på det mest oväntade och gynnsamma sätt!

Jag hade inte förväntat mig att detta är MÖJLIGT och möjligt på så kort tid! Tack kära du, att du känner andra människor så djupt och subtilt och kan balansera inte bara det fysiska tillståndet, utan också det inre och rikta det yttre i rätt riktning!

I went through 2 sessions with Anya (with a difference of several months). In both cases, I came to the appointment half-bent, with pulling, and sharp pains in the sacrum, and came out with a light gait, with an absolute feeling, as if a stone slab had been removed from my spine and sacrum.

I guess, that, If you take the course with short breaks between sessions, the effect will be even more amazing and long-lasting. Anya has very light but warm hands and powerful energy - I felt such currents in the process of work and directly felt how the pain moved after the movement of her hands and dissolved. An exciting experience and, most importantly, effective! Thank you!!!!

Så tacksam att jag har hittat denna behandling som jag inte visste fanns men som jag nu insett att jag letat efter och behövt! Så lugnande, uppmjukande och balanserande! Tack Anya!

Before and After-care for Your Healing session

Drink a lot of warm water. Water is medicine

After the sesion it's best to take a nap (or go to sleep), take a walk or take a bath with epson or sea salt.  

Clean your space with a candle light and/or burn some herbs (Palo Santo, Sage, Artemesia vulgaris, Nettle)


How did a grandchild and daughter of Soviet/Russian diplomats, with two higher education degrees, end up becoming a healer?

As a child, teenager, and adult, I have always been highly sensitive and deeply interested in how the human body functions. Starting at the age of 20, this interest blossomed into a passion for yoga, several years of extensive freediving, and the consumption of numerous books, articles, retreats, and courses in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, cosmology, philosophy, metaphysics, meditation, physiology, and anatomy.

I never found my place in the corporate world and spent many years working in international culture, primarily with vanguard and new media art, essentially spending corporate sponsors' money. After moving to Sweden and becoming a mother, I started a career in the ideal sector. However, mildly dramatic events led me to finally accept my gifts: my extra-sensitive hands, clairvoyance, and clairsentience.

I continued my education in various modalities of body therapy, becoming a Dipl. CranioSacral therapist and furthering my studies in Biodynamic CST and other disciplines. I graduated from Ana Atman's school for healers, "Open Life," and became a mentor there. I don't use systems like NLP, hypnosis, or Reiki, but I understand energetic anatomy and have a clear vision of the cosmology of our beautiful world and Earth's place in it.

In June 2025 I graduate as a Leg.HealthCoach ("SverigeHälsan" school). 

I dream that during my lifetime, what is now labeled as "alternative" will merge with conventional science and medicine. I hope people overcome the illusion of separation in all fields and that humanity thrives.